Wisdom of Saint Jean-Marie Vianney

"There is such a thing as holy anger, which comes from our zeal in upholding the interests of God."

--Saint Jean-Marie Vianney, Sermon on Anger, from Sermons du Curé d'Ars, edited by Delaroche.

I have posted this one before, but it is so important to absorb this truth that it is helpful to have it again. In brief, anger is an emotion and, like all other emotions, it is a gift of God. And, like all other gifts of God, it is to be used for His purposes, not selfish purposes.

What is the purpose of anger? To give us the spit and vinegar to overcome the evil of injustice. And right here is the key: the injustice must be real, and not merely our perception of something we don't like because it is not what we want, or prefer, or enjoy. This is where we must apply our reason, so that the emotion of anger is: [1] directed to the right object (a true injustice), [2] in the right proportion, and [3] using the right means.

That is a virtuous, holy anger!

- Fr. D.B. Thompson


Wisdom of Saint Philip Neri


Wisdom of Saint Philip Neri