BD Campbell BD Campbell

A Call for Acts of Reparation

Knights, our good bishop has called on the pastors of our diocese to lead the faithful in acts of reparation in response to the outrageous and blasphemous display of the Olympic ceremonies. Sadly, these openly demonic displays are more common and more broadly accepted by the world today. A sign of our times, for sure.

I call you all to continue to make these acts of reparation more fervently and even daily, if possible. Our weekly Thursday evening Holy Hour of Reparation is certainly the best way to make these important sacrafices, but as a knight, if you can do more then you must!

I remind you of the acts of reparations available on our website that can be done at any time. Also, our bishop has suggested the solemn and public praying of the penetential Psalms, i.e. Psalms 6, 31 (32), 37 (38), 50 (51), 101 (102), 129 (130), 142 (143). Remember Wednesdays and Fridays as days of fasting and abstaining, and specific acts of charity, requiring extra effort may also be made in reparation for these blasphemous acts.

Make your contributions according to your conscience and ability, but whatever you do and how often you make them, do it all with humility and purity of heart. Our Lord is continuously tormented by our sins and rejection of His love. The Knights of the Golden Arrow must defend!

Deus vult!

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BD Campbell BD Campbell

Knights, We are Called to Prayer in this Urgent Circumstance

Knights -- we are being called to take the rumors from the vatican about the future of the TLM very seriously, and just as seriously, the call to prayer. For this reason, as an initial action we can all undertake, I challenge all Knights that you commit yourself to praying a Novena to Saints Peter and Paul who are special Patrons and defenders of the Church. Our warriors must blitz Heaven with prayers for the utter frustration of their plans to eradicate the TLM and the dispersion of those who are planning this evil. We need to call on the powerful prayers of the Saints for these intentions!

If you have any desire that the Traditional Latin Mass remain alive and flourishing in the Church, or if you believe it to be an error to suppress this Holy Mass that "ought to be sacred and great for us as well" (Pope Benedict XVI.), then I ask for your commitment in joining me in the Novena to Saints Peter and Paul for these intentions. The Novena begins tomorrow, June 20th.

Novena Prayer (Pray for nine consecutive days)

Holy Apostles, Saints Peter and Paul, I choose thee this day and forever to be my special patrons and advocates.  Thou, O Blessed St. Peter, Prince of the Apostles because thou art the Rock upon which Almighty God has built His Church.  Thou, O Blessed St. Paul, because thou were chosen by God as a vessel of election and preacher of truth to the whole world.

Obtain for me, I humbly pray thee, lively faith, firm hope and burning charity; that the Traditional Latin Mass would grow and flourish in your Church, and that the plans of those who seek to suppress it would be utterly frustrated and confounded; obtain for me, also, a complete detachment from myself, contempt of the world, patience in adversity, humility in prosperity, attention in prayer, purity of diligence in fulfilling the duties of my state in life, constancy in my resolutions, resignation to the Will of God and perseverance in the Grace of God even unto death so that by means of thy intercession and thy glorious merits I may overcome the devil and be made worthy of the promises of Christ, enjoy His presence and love Him forever with thee in time and eternity.


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BD Campbell BD Campbell

“And we prayed to our God and set a guard as a protection…”

Knights, the enemy is near. In Abbeville, LA, two teenaged boys were stopped in there plan to shoot up a Catholic church full of children preparing for first communion.

Brothers, we are called to provide protection for our parishes. We will be prepared to stand the test!

Deus vult!

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BD Campbell BD Campbell

Knights, post!

A drag queen bingo event is scheduled today at MSU. Pray and make reparations for the souls of these. A group of us will go to protest the event and to Pray a Rosary. Please join if you are able!

Deus vult!

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BD Campbell BD Campbell

Pray and Fast

Knights, today as you know we will experience a total solar eclipse. An eclipse that will pass over the United States. There are so many “signs” that coincide with this solar eclipse. So many messages, that seem to be said by this event that we must at least be paying attention. There are many others, from the Masons, to the Luciferians, and seemingly every faith on Earth that sees this event to be substantial.

In response to this eclipse, bishop Strickland will be offering a Mass on Others around the world will also be offering masses. With expectation of satanic activity around the globe, the Knights of the Golden Arrow must provide opposition. I invite you to spend this day in prayer, fasting, adoration, and/or attending a mass in offering for our country, and for the thwarting of the globalist new world order.

Read the article.

Deus Vult!

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BD Campbell BD Campbell

A great act of prayer!

Knights, I invite you to join me in praying a nine-month novena to Our Lady of Guadalupe with the leadership of His Excellency, Raymond Leo Cardinal Burke.

For more information and to sign up for this global movement, please go to:

Deus vult!

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BD Campbell BD Campbell

Defend the most vulnerable

Knights, the bishops of the United States have asked the faithful to offer penances for the abortions of the unborn. We, as knights, are called to defend the weak and the vulnerable, to protect the Christian. We should do our part in prayer, fasting, abstinence and offering your struggles in reparation for the sin of abortion.

You are also invited to join the Pro-Life marches. In Lake Charles, Louisiana we will meet at the Veterans memorial on Monday, January 22, 2024 at 6:00 pm. There will be a candlelight vigil at the Immaculate Conception Cathedral after the march. Come, speak with your presence for those who cannot speak for themselves. Deus vult!

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BD Campbell BD Campbell

Call to prayer for the end of the blasphemy of Satanic Temple displays.

Iowa Governor Kim Reynolds is asking for prayer over the Capital in response to a “Holiday Display" erected by The Satanic Temple in the Des Moines capital building.

Knights, I call on you to offer special prayers, including the Litany of the Holy Face for the end of the blasphemous display.

Deus vult!

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BD Campbell BD Campbell

“Day of Jihad!”

Knights must be on alert as the Hamas leader Khaled Mashal designates Friday, October 13th, 2023 as a “Day of Jihad.” Remain calm, and in prayer for our Catholic Churches and our priests. I challenge all Golden Arrow knights to fast and abstain for the souls lost in Israel and around the world as riots have already started in many European and Eastern countries. Should anything happen in our diocese, stick to our safety plan, call law enforcement and stand your ground. We are called to protect our church, priests, faithful and our families. Deus vult!

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BD Campbell BD Campbell

Calling all prayer warriors!

The USCCB has called for all Catholics in the United States to offer a period of adoration and to pray the Litany of the Sacred heart of Jesus in reparation for all the outrageous acts of blasphemy past and present. I call all our Knights to support our bishops at a minimum by praying the Litany of the Sacred Heart of Jesus and an extra Golden Arrow Prayer today, 6/16/23, the feast of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, and to attend either a mass or to make a holy hour of adoration as an act of reparation ffor the blasphemies against our Lord.

Deus vult!

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BD Campbell BD Campbell

Satan’s weekend of blasphemy!

The Satanic Temple is planning a public SatanCon event billed as a “weekend of blasphemy” at the Boston Marriott Copley Place from April 28—30, 2023.

All good Knights of the Golden Arrow are called upon to pray, fast, and peacefully protest this event in any way that you can! The Satan Temple is Anti-God, Anti-Family, Anti-Nature, Anti-Right to life, and Anti-One nation under God. Pure evil!

More information: Tell Marriott Hotel NOT to Host Satanic Temple “Weekend of Blasphemy” in Boston - TFP Student Action

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BD Campbell BD Campbell

Prepare for a Night of Rage!

Knights, again we are seeing signs of violence towards the pro-life movement and likely the Catholic church. The Pro-abortion group Jane’s Revenge is calling for all their followers to carry “anger out into the world” by “expressing it physically” on the night the Supreme Court releases the opinion in the Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization case, which, due to a leaked draft opinion, is expected to overturn Roe v. Wade sometime this month.

We must be vigilant; pay close attention to the events around the Supreme Court decision. Be ready to sacrifice for the Church, this may get ugly on their side, but we will remain saints on our side. We will stand in defense of our churches, our faith and of the faithful. We do not hate these people who wish to hurt us, we simply stand in defense of what we love. Where they bring disorder, we will bring order, where they bring hate we will bring love, where they bring profanity and blasphemy we will bring prayer. They will do all they can to provoke, remember our job is not to start a fight or to try to hurt anyone, our job is to protect what is good and holy.

Deus vult!

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BD Campbell BD Campbell

US bishops proclaim day of fasting and prayer on May 13 to end abortion

Calling all Knights! Our bishops have proclaimed this Friday, May 13, as a day of prayer and fasting for the end of abortion and an increased respect for the family.

I challenge our Knights to sacrifice the comforts of the flesh, stick to nothing but bread and water if possible, and spend at least an hour in prayer for the unborn. This is the spiritual battle we have been called to fight!

Deus vult!

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BD Campbell BD Campbell

Pro-abortion groups plan Sunday attack on Catholic Churches.

Calling all Knights! According to Lifesite News, (LifeSiteNews) — Abortion activists are threatening to storm Catholic churches during Mass starting this coming Sunday and protest outside the houses of six of the nine U.S. Supreme Court Justices in opposition to a possible overturning of Roe v. Wade

A radical abortion group called “Ruth Sent Us,” named after the former pro-abortion justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, took to Twitter last Tuesday to encourage people across the U.S. to storm their local parish starting on Sunday, May 8 – which is Mother’s Day in the U.S. – as a way to protest a possible overturning of Roe v. Wade by six Supreme Court justices, as was revealed in a leak last Monday.

The Knights of the Golden Arrow are on high alert! Remain professional, tactful and strategic. The enemy wants violence, do not give it to them! Remember your virtues, remember the chivalric code, remember your training, and do everything in your capability to protect our priests, the faithful and our churches.

Deus vult!

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BD Campbell BD Campbell

Satanic convention being held in Scottsdale this weekend.

Satanic convention in AZ.

Calling all Our Knights!

3000 Satanists will be in attendance of the first-ever Satanic Temple’s convention in Scottsdale, Arizona from Friday 2/11 at 2pm until Sunday, 2/13 at 4pm CST. Among many vile and evil things, they plan to consecrate Arizona to Satan through the Black Mass which defiles a stolen Holy Eucharist!

In Mark 9:29, the disciples ask the Lord why they were not able to cast out the evil spirits. Jesus tells them, this kind can only be cast out by prayer and fasting. By the direction of our Blessed Lord, I will be fasting (water only) and praying throughout this weekend!

If you are able, please join in the spiritual battle. We must spend this weekend in prayer and fasting for the intercession of St. Michael and for our Queen, Mary to crush the head of the serpent. Pray in any way that God is calling you, just pray with fervor and utmost piety. Beg our Lord for His mercy!

In Nomine Domini!

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