Our Fraternity of Knights

PSALMS 113:9

“Not to us, O Lord, not to us; but to Thy name give glory.”

Our Mission

The overlying mission of The Golden Arrow is to develop virtuous, chivalric men who will provide protection for the Catholic Church, its clergy, laity and property while being a treasured part of its culture and providing the feeling of warmth and security.

Our Insignia


Insignia of the Golden Arrow

Our insignia is packed with symbolism that projects the mission and the spirit of our organization.

The golden trinity arrow projects our devotion to the golden arrow prayer and our dedication to the mission of that prayer, that is, defending our Lord and his bride.

The Eucharist, secure behind the trinity rings signifies our great love for the Eucharist, the central truth of our faith, surrounded by our three mottos.

The Latin cross, the symbol of the ancient Roman Catholic warrior, projects the fighting spirit of the Knights of the Golden Arrow. We will be prepared to stand the test.

Our Virtues


We are human; frail, weak, and struggling with sin, but we are all called to overcome and strive to live the life of saints.  We as members of the Knights of the Golden Arrow are to be living saints, role models for the people of faith.  Every member will strive to live these virtues.  We will work together to help our members to be successful in committing their lives to the virtues that we have identified as most important to living a full, meaningful, honorable and pious life with Christ: 








Our knights are encouraged to practice these virtues by living with the following standards:







Continual Prayer

Lively Faith

Fear of the Lord

Financially Responsible



Profound Humility






Blind Obedience to the Lord

Heroic Patience

Physically Fit




Suffering for Christ





Work Ethic

Zeal for Christ and His church



Members of the fraternity will progress through the ranks of Paige, Squire and Knight as they develop in knowledge, practice and capability. Based on the building blocks of chivalry; prayer, asceticism, reverence, fraternity, compassion, self-discipline and tradition, the Knights of the Golden Arrow operate by the ancient Chivalric Code of Knighthood as adopted for the fraternity.

1.   Those who are members of the Golden Arrow are soldiers of God and shall conduct themselves accordingly.

2.   All members shall serve the fraternity and not expect to be served by it.

3.   Before all people, the Knight must display gentleness, courtesy and honesty.

4.   The Knight must not cause injury or wound to anyone for personal gain or pleasure.

5.   The Knight must strive to live each day with increased nobility, more than the previous day.

6.   The Knight must not intentionally offend another person, but shall not shy from correcting another person's offenses.

7.   The Knight shall not cause any need to fear him unless he is in defense of himself, the order, the Holy Church or the faithful wherewith he shall be like a fierce lion.

8.   Where there is weakness, the Knight shall bring his strength.

9.   Where there is no voice to fight injustice or hatred, the Knight will raise his own.

10.   Where there is neediness, the Knight will distribute his generosity.

11.   The Knight will always seek the truth, because only in the truth will he find God.

12.   The Knight will always keep to his promise, oath or vow; disloyalty is to prove himself dishonorable.

13.   The Knight will never dishonor another, such conduct dishonors himself and the fraternity.

14.   In his conduct; the Knight must not be brutish, he must not inebriate himself, he must neither be immoral nor amoral, he must not be cowardly or beastly, and he must not lie nor harbor malicious intentions.

15.   The Knight shall only judge another on character and goodness, or the lack thereof.

16.   The Knight shall express true submission to the precepts of the church and the virtues of the fraternity.

17.   The Knight shall remain themselves firm and true in all just causes.

18. The Knight shall always be ready to defend God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, to defend our queen and mother the blessed virgin Mary, to defend the saints, the Catholic faith and to defend the faithful.



Upon receipt of a statement of sponsorship by an existing member of the order or a clergyman, and upon receipt of a clean background check, new members will receive all benefits of membership. The Paige will be given mission instructions from local Knights, will devote time to strengthen their faith and to learn the ways and the mission of the order, and to discern taking the next step of taking the sacred vow and to become a Squire.


No less than one year of the rank of Paige, members will be required to demonstrate their understanding and support of the ways and the mission of the order. Upon the ability to demonstrate this requirement the member will earn the rank of Squire. With this rank, the member's name will be written on the order's Great Scroll of Martyrs. The Squire will continue to receive the benefits of membership, will be given mission instructions from local Knights, will devote time to strengthen their faith and understanding of the ways and the mission of the order, and will then be allowed to refer and sponsor new aspirants to the order.


No less than one year of the rank of Squire, members who can demonstrate advanced understanding of the ways and the mission of the order, have completed their required retreat(s), provide a letter of recommendation by an existing member of the rank of Knight or higher, and can provide a witness to the observance of his living virtuously will earn the rank of Knight by the honor of the Investiture Ceremony. The Knight will continue to receive the benefits of membership, will receive mission instructions from the Knight Lieutenant, will continue to devote time to strengthen their faith and ability to live the virtues of the order and support the mission. The Knight shall continue to refer and sponsor new aspirants to the order. A once-only fee applies which will include the cost of the regalia.