The Presentation


Month Of The Holy Family.

From the Roman Breviary, III. Nocturn

Homily on this passage [Lk. 2:22-33] by St. Ambrose, Bishop of Milan.
Bk. 2, Comm. on Luke II

And, behold, there was a man in Jerusalem, whose name was Simeon, and the same man was just and devout, waiting for the consolation of Israel. The birth of the Lord is attested not only by Angels and Prophets, and shepherds, but also by elders and just men. Every age, and both sexes, as well as the miracles of the events themselves, are here to strengthen our faith. A virgin conceiveth, a barren woman beareth, a dumb man speaketh, Elizabeth prophesieth, the wise man worshippeth, the unborn child leapeth, the widow praiseth, and the just man waiteth. Well is he called just, who looked not for favour for himself, but for consolation for his people. He desired to be set free from the bondage of this frail body, but he waited to see the Promised One for he knew that blessed are the eyes that see Him. Then took he Him up in his arms, and blessed God, and said: "Lord, now lettest Thou Thy servant depart in peace, according to Thy word. Behold a just man, confined in the weary prison of the body, desiring to be dissolved and to begin to be with Christ. "For to be dissolved and to be with Christ is much better" (Phil. 1:23). Whosoever will be dissolved and be with Christ, let him come into the Temple, let him come to Jerusalem, let him wait for the Lord's Christ, let him take hold on the Word of God, let him embrace it with good works, as it were with arms of faith and then let him depart in peace, for he shall not see death, who hath seen life. Behold how the Lord's Birth doth overflow with abounding grace for all, and prophecy is not denied to the just, but to the unbelieving. Behold, Simeon prophesieth that the Lord Jesus Christ is come "for the fall and rising again of many"; yea, He shall separate the just from the unjust according to what they deserve, and according as our work shall be, so shall the true and righteous Judge command us to be punished or rewarded.


Sunday Reflections


Wisdom of Saint Jean-Marie Vianney