Our Daily Prayers

Upon Awakening

  • Morning Offering

  • Guardian Angel

  • St. Michael

  • St. Joseph

  • 7 Hail Mary's in honor of the seven sorrows of Mary

  • Golden Arrow

At Noon

  • Angelus (or Regina Caeli during the Easter Octave)

At the Hour of Mercy (3:00pm)

  • Chaplet of Divine Mercy

Before Bed

  • Examination of Conscience

  • Act of Contrition

  • For the Holy Souls in Purgatory

    Our Father

    Hail Mary

    Glory Be

  • Guardian Angel

  • St. Michael

  • St. Joseph

  • Golden Arrow

Daily, on a Personal Schedule

  • Rosary


  • Reading (Bible or other spiritually strengthening book)

Our Weekly Prayers and Devotions

  • Holy Mass on Sundays and Days of Obligation

  • Adoration or an additional Holy Mass during the week

  • Litanys of Mary and Joseph, and prayer to Joseph Terror of Demons (Mondays)

  • Litany and Chaplet of the Holy Face of Jesus (Tuesdays)

  • Litany and Chaplet of St. Michael the Archangel (Wednesdays)

  • Act of Reparation to the Sacred Heart of Jesus (Thursdays)

Monthly Convictions

  • Confession/Reconciliation

  • Spiritual Development meetings


Devotion to the Holy Face of Jesus