Knights of the Golden Arrow

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Words of Praise

O Lord, my king, I give thee thanks, O God, my deliverer, I praise thee; I extol thy name, for all the succour and protection thou hast given me, saving my life from deadly peril, when calumny lay in wait, and lying tongues assailed me. In full sight of all that stood by thou didst come to my rescue; roaring lions stood ready to devour me, and thou in that great mercy, that renowned mercy of thine, didst deliver me. I was in the hands of my mortal enemies, shut in on every side by misfortune; there were stifling flames all round me, and I stood in the heart of the fire uninjured. I looked down into the deep womb of the grave, when foul lips brought lying accusations, and cruel king gave unjust sentence. And still I would praise the Lord, long as I had breath to praise him, though death’s abyss yawned at my very feet, though I was cut off on every side, with none to aid me. Man’s help I looked for, and could not find; yet I bethought me, Lord, of thy mercy, thy deeds of long ago; if men will but wait for thee patiently, thou, Lord, dost deliver them, dost rescue them from the power of the heathen. It was thou who hadst prospered my life on earth, and now, death ready to overwhelm me, to the Lord, Father of the Master I serve, I made my plea. Would he leave me unaided when I was in distress, when my enemies were triumphing over me? I will extol thy name unceasingly, with grateful praise; my prayer did not go unregarded. Thou didst rescue me from deadly peril, didst save me in the hour of defeat; shall I not give thanks, shall I not praise and bless thy name?

--Ecclesiastes (Sirach) 51:1-17