Knights of the Golden Arrow

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The Order requires its Knights to be accountable. What does it mean to be accountable? It means, our Knights are to be not just obligated, but willing and forthright with accepting responsibility or to account for his actions and behaviors. The Knight must be accepting of the burden, duty, obligation or liability of his commitments, responsibilities, speech and actions.

Can you imagine the world we would be in if St. Joseph, the foster father of Our Lord, did not practice accountability? It is likely Jesus would not have survived His infant years. Accountability drives a man to handle his business; he ensures his commitments are fulfilled and he takes the full blame for when he falls short. Even if he interiorly thinks some blame may belong somewhere else he does not allow that blame to leave his shoulders.

The vice opposed to accountability is effeminacy. The effeminate man destroys order, he runs from danger and he blames everyone but himself. I assure you, there is no room for the effeminate man in the Knights of the Golden Arrow.