Knights of the Golden Arrow

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So many men are insincere when it comes to the representation of their own identity; portraying themselves as if they are a different person than who really is within. In certain company or situation, there are those who will put on errs, or present themselves falsely.  Others will be duplicitous or even fraudulent in their intentions when dealing in business or when they wish to make a certain impression, most often with women. This is not becoming, and certainly not the actions of a Knight.

A Knight stands apart from another man by his ability to be authentic. He doesn’t portray himself as someone else, because he is confident in whom he truly is. The truth of his origins, attributes, commitments, devotions, and his intentions are always fully understood by himself and by those with whom he interacts. And when he makes the mistake of being insincere or deceitful, because not even a Knight is perfect, he will quickly correct the situation in charity.

But what is the authenticity of a “Knight" of the Golden Arrow? We have no royal proclamation of knighthood as it was done in the past. Are we being fraudulent in our identity?

We must keep in mind it is not authentic to merely act the way you feel. That error has led many people astray and in great confusion. Being authentic is to act and feel as according to who you truly are; you are a child of the One, true God. Made in His image and likeness. You are a man who is intended to be a saint by the Holy Will of our Father. If you have joined the Golden Arrow, then it is likely you were given the gifts of piety and zeal for the true Catholic faith, and you have a fighting spirit. You are a warrior for Christ, a servant of our Lord and an instrument to be used by our Heavenly Father.

To be authentic, you must live according to God's Will. Be the man that God sees and has created you to be. Be the authentic Catholic Knight.

In Nomini Domine!